Integrated Financial Training: Westchester NY

Empowering you to Manage your Money and your Happiness


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  • Your financial advisors should be trained in finance and humanity. Steve Kanney was in institutional finance and how to live via martial arts (chief instructor of a Westchester NY Aikido school)

  • Everyone must make their own decisions regarding whom they feel comfortable with. In providing tools for you, we collect no fees for software or financial products. Our only agenda is your benefit.

  • Asset-Allocation.html

  • The age old question of whether money can buy happiness is considered with a light sense of humor but a serious underlying intent.

  • Most financial planners look at consumption simply as more is better. But how, not how much, we consume is critical in determining how happy we are inour lives.

  • Contact us for feedback, questions or to set up an appointment.

  • If you do not receive a reply in 24 hours please resend your message or call Steve Kanney 914-648-0492. Thank you for your interest.

  • Diversification is a key concept in the investing process. The financial analysis of diversification is spotty, but the process is rooted in sound rationale and can be applied outside investing.

  • Sometimes seen as job coaching or career coaching, making sure your work makes you happy and provides for yourself and family is critical in any financial plan.

  • Financial Advice needs to consider not only how to have the most money, but how to be happy. Consider us as a life coach or career coach with strong financial skills.

  • financial-planning.html

  • Financial advice does not end with financial planning. A number of more complex financial questions arise and need to be addressed. Our fee only Westchester NY service can cover these as well.

  • Free articles on financial planning and financial advice in the context of making you happy as a human being. This information may be all you need to become self directed.

  • Free-Download.html

  • History-Analysis.html

  • Income-Protection.html

  • Integrated Financial fee only education service empowers you for financial planning or financial advise in Westchester NY or NYC. Be a self directed financial planner or evaluate your advisors skill.

  • Investing versus gambling. Definitions of each and how an in depth understanding points out the detrimental impact of greed in the process.

  • Investment advisors consider risk and returns alone. But to be happy we need to consider the social implications of our investment decisions and know how to let it go to sleep at night.

  • Investing versus gambling. What are the definitions, how it works in practice and what are the implications for how we handle our financial affairs and find happiness.

  • A laddered portfolio of bonds diversifies the reinvestment risk of the investing process and better matches assets to liabilities. Should you manage this risk actively?

  • Developing a investment process in the absence of greed and with skill is needed to insure the process is healthy. Fundamental analysis and technical analysis are considered.

  • Managing investment risk is a complex area in finance where people tend to lose touch with common sense and make large errors, but it is essential to manage investment risk effectively.

  • Money-Happiness.html

  • Mortgage-Refinance.html

  • Mutual-Fund-Selection.html

  • Mutual-Funds.html

  • Integrated Financial Education is a fee only service for one on one sessions in Westchester or New York City regions. Financial coaching and web based info is free.

  • A healthy investment process results in more relaxation during the investing process. With less fear and panic, one can make better judgments and avoid critical errors.

  • Real-Objective.html

  • Real-World.html

  • An assortment of largely free resources for managing your finances in the context of pursuing happiness through the model of martial arts training. Some resources charge but can be obtained free.

  • Your financial life may be out of balance. By creating your own financial plan you can determine where the problems are and find the best solutions.

  • Roth.html

  • sitemap-page-order.html

  • Jeremy Siegel recommended stocks for the long run. Zvi Bodie disagrees. Who is right? The answer depends upon your purpose in investing, part of which is economic and that part is ideintified.

  • How many financial advisors or planners suggest meditation techniques to improve your ability to manage your finances and make life decisions?

  • Financial planning tool need to consider risk to the plan as well as taxes, social security. Risk should consider non-normal market returns and how annual expenses are needed.

  • Financial Plan is the foundation of any financial decision. Determine the impact of decision on your ability to support yourself. Asset allocation, tax planning all hinge on sound financial plan.

  • College planning is a critical topic for manay families. If you have younger children, hold on to your seat as colleg planning should change dramatically in the next 10-15 years.

  • Wrong-Objective.html




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